Sundry Vehicles Loading old tank into Commer Knocker Series 2 New Zealand Military Land Rover with sundry 1979 Mercedes 280CE just visible in the foreground. This is one of the vehicles from one of the many the international LSVAQ members (A. von Orpin). Can NZ can be considered international? Humber FV1601 at Wairuna Thomas finds a hole in the Simpson Desert. Severine not happy. Thomas crosses Running River – at speed But does not make it. Dead Blitz (actually a different year -different passengers, different number of headlights – same Thomas, same creek.) Humber cab removed with help from Commer lifting pole, tree and LC winch Blitz recovery. 200km of towing via Wairuna Commer loses traction towing log for shed up slope. Humber takes over. 2021 Humber at tip of Cape York. 2018. Driver got fired the next day. This is a link to steering rod information for the FV1600 truck Below: wedding vehicles track-rod-end-complete-docoDownload